Take care of your skin at home this winter!
It is no secret that colder temperatures, harsher weather conditions and a lack of sun can take its toll on our skin health. But by switching up your winter skincare routine with a few changes, you can bring back some much-needed hydration to your dry skin whilst also keeping it blemish-free, supple and beautifully soothed.
We have put together some of our top tips to help rehydrate your skin this winter in the comfort of your own home…
Avoid super – hot (or long) showers!
There is nothing more appealing than taking a long warm bath/shower on a cold and miserable day to transport your mind to somewhere warm. However, be careful of the temperature as too much hot water can lead to thirstier skin, reducing your skin’s natural hydration. Keep your bath/shower short and maybe look at swapping soaps for body cleansing oils as these can help protect the skin’s natural moisture barrier.
Drink your water!
Quite simply, drinking plenty of water is always going to benefit your skin – no matter what time of year it is. However, it is extremely important to keep drinking water in the winter months when we feel less keen to do it to help skin cell regeneration and keep your complexion looking radiant and hydrated. The aim is two litres of water a day (equal to eight glasses)!
Moisturise as much as possible!
Using moisturiser is always a key skincare step but in the winter months you should really step it up! Make sure you moisturise in the morning and the evening before you head to bed as this can help double up as a day and night cream, softening your skin and retaining moisture throughout the day. Try the award-winning Guava & Gold Coco & Cherimoya Body Lotion which has been enhanced with grapeseed and avocado oils and shea butter to easily absorb and moisturise the skin. With the scent of tropical coconut and creamy tonka bean, our Body Lotion also has SPF 15, providing light sun protection throughout the day (which is also important – even in the winter!)
Step away from the exfoliators!
In the winter months, the last thing dehydrated skin needs is a harsh, abrasive scrub which may cause irritation to already dry and flaky skin. Try swapping your normal exfoliator for a more gentle option with lactic or fruit acids, which are less likely to cause skin dehydration. If you must, use your exfoliator only once a week as this is enough for skin that is exposed to colder climates.
Don’t forget your lips!
Did you know the skin protecting your lips is thinner than the skin on the rest of your face? This means our lips are far more susceptible to damage from the harsher winter weather. Replenish and hydrate to avoid chapped lips by wearing a comfortable lip balm throughout the night and during the day.
Lock in moisture this winter and keep your skin hydrated with these little tips, not to mention the Guava & Gold Body Lotion range - available in three opulent scents: Coral Beach, Paradise Found and Coco & Cherimoya.
You can discover more about our collection here: